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Safety, Ethics, & Quality are our top priorities

Al-Adha Engineering for General Contracting and Engineering Consultation

AAE is a well-known and reputable Civil and Mechanical services company, wholly owned and operated in provinces of Basra, Nassiriya, and Muthanna. Through its experienced staff, reliable subcontractors and vendors, AAE is in an enviable position of offering variety of high quality civil and Mechanical work and services.

Services We Provide!


We ASK for the opportunity to tender on your future Projects to demonstrate our potential and expertise

Civil work and Service

We have a long experience in all sorts of heavy civil works with highly satisfied clients as shown on our sample list (the list too long for this profile, thus it is limited only to recent work)

Mechanical work and Service

We have long experience in all sorts of mechanical works with highly satisfied clients as shown on our sample list (the list too long for this profile, thus it is limited only to recent work)

Industrial coatings

High and Ultra High Pressure water cleaning/surface preparation and materials removal

Workshops, Vendors, and Subcontractors

AAE has an extensive network of reliable vendors, suppliers, partners, and subcontractors.

Material Supply Services

We supply a variety of construction materials. We are the exclusive supplier and distributor for AGEL chemicals, including Drylex and Crystal-X in Iraq.

Torqueing and Tensioning of vesels and equipment flanges

• Hydraulic Torque wrenches
• Stud removal service
• All stud sizes

Construction Projects!

Construction and manage places infrastructures!

Construction is a general term meaning the art and industrial science of old french construction.
  • All Projects
  • Civil work and Service
  • Mechanical work and Service

High Performance!

The reasons why you should
choose our company!

Construction is a general term meaning the art and industrial science of old french construction building solution.

Our Blog

Recent News & Blog

Construction is a general term meaning the art and industrial
science of old french construction.

</div><!-- .entry-header --> <a href="https://aae-iraq.com/aae/ar/2022/04/18/local-community-and-socio-economic-philosophy/" class="read-more">Read More <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="M 21.1875 9.28125 L 19.78125 10.71875 L 24.0625 15 L 4 15 L 4 17 L 24.0625 17 L 19.78125 21.28125 L 21.1875 22.71875 L 27.90625 16 Z"/></svg></a> </div> </div> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article class="col-lg-4 col-sm-6 blog-box post-67 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-manufacturing-industry tag-building tag-house tag-industry tag-steel" id="post-67"> <div class="article-inner"> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="380" height="220" data-src="https://aae-iraq.com/aae/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/images-380x220.jpg" class="attachment-380x220-blog size-380x220-blog wp-post-image lazyload" alt="" src="" style="--smush-placeholder-width: 380px; --smush-placeholder-aspect-ratio: 380/220;" /><noscript><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="380" height="220" src="https://aae-iraq.com/aae/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/images-380x220.jpg" class="attachment-380x220-blog size-380x220-blog wp-post-image" alt="" /></noscript> <div class="article-content"> <div class="entry-header"> <div class="entry-meta"> <span class="posted-on"><i class="ti-calendar"></i> <a href="https://aae-iraq.com/aae/ar/2022/02/07/how-are-covered-federal-contractors-expected-to-ensure/" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2022-02-07T12:07:08+00:00">فبراير 7, 2022</time></a></span><span class="byline"> <i class="ti-user"></i> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="https://aae-iraq.com/aae/ar/author/yhyasoft/">yhyasoft</a></span></span> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="https://aae-iraq.com/aae/ar/2022/02/07/how-are-covered-federal-contractors-expected-to-ensure/" rel="bookmark"></a>...

The new functions coming to construction for equipment telematics promise to make life easier for ow...
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